We provide a full range of vocational services with the ultimate goal of helping individuals find employment.
Who We Serve
We specialize in serving job seekers with neurological conditions; including but not limited to, traumatic brain injuries, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, and other neurological disabilities
When To Come?
NVSU counselors reserve their Tuesday schedules to meet with new clients. Please call the office at 206-744-9130 to schedule an appointment for any Tuesday (at 10:30 am) to get started.
Address: 401 Broadway Suite 2088 Seattle WA 98104
You may download and fill out our intake paperwork here: Intake Packet
3 Easy Steps to Get Started
Step 1: Intake with NVSU – One-on-one meeting with counselor
Step 2: Orientation – Get connected with state funding resources
Step 3: NVSU vocational services begins!
Our Services
You may download and view our services here: NVSU Services